Vampire Exposé: Damon Salvatore

Here there be spoilers…

Now, I will be the first to admit that I do not much admire The Vampire Diaries. I have my reasons, first and foremost amongst them being the contrived manner in which characters that should have been long dead already are written back into the story because of the script-writers’ (and possible author’s) inability to create a newer kind of terror.

That said, Damon Salvatore has to be one of the most appealing not-so-bad bad boys in vampire history.

Let us see – When first we met Damon (in the televised series, that is) he was a wicked antagonist, settling himself into Mystic Falls with the pure purpose to make his brother’s straight-laced life a misery, while simultaneously marking the territory as his own. However, already at this point we saw a softer side to the more attractive of the Salvatore brothers. His long lost love, Katherine, still lay claim to his heart and she was the ultimate prize in his race to win over Mystic Falls. Somehow he ensconced himself in the very centre of vampire hunting itself, the council of founding families: hell-bent on keeping their home town safe from vampirism at all costs. Of course, he managed all this through sheer manipulation and charm enough to make any girl gag. Instead we swooned for him.

In comparison with his brother, Damon is suave, debonair and bound to surprise and horrify the viewer with his unpredictable reactions and (what some might call) nihilistic decision making skills.

Through all this, Damon holds a candle for his brother’s love, Elena, who looks surprisingly like his long-lost Katherine, even though she behaves nothing like her doppelgänger. This is where I have difficulty fuelling the flames of my devotion for this character. He claims to be in love with Katherine (even though the woman is a flaming psycho bitch), but also to have an undying love for Elena…… Okay fine, blame it on teenage infatuation… And maye the fact that Nina Dobrev is superbly lovely to look at. Regardless, the story fails to entice me, but Damon somehow keeps me watching.

And I must say… After the last episode I was made privy to of season three (it may or may not be the season finale, can’t say I’m sure), my little fan-girl heart is breaking for  Damon. If you believe someone may die… That this is the last time you will ever speak with them… Get to express how dear they are to you… Don’t you lie and SAY YOU LOVE THEM?! Elena – You selfish cow…

A Bounce Book

I have posed this idea to friends and fellow writers before, but lately it seems to be an insidious bother. Much to my dismay, my intrepid chipping away at The Key has been failing me. Sadly, as I am truly fond of this concept and wish to do it justice. I just find that if I punt away at a piece, instead of allowing the creativity to strike me at the appropriate times, my writing suffers. So, although I would love to simply force myself to create the perfect novel, it seems wholly impossible.

Consequently, I have started looking into why I feel lackadaisical toward my baby, the apple of my eye, insofar as novel-writing is concerned. Having encountered this same dilemma with Bought in Blood, from time to time, I have reached the conclusion that it must be due to close proximity to the material. The longer I spend working on a novel, the less time I want to spend near to it because I start to discredit my decent writing by convincing myself that it is terrible and should be deleted. Unfortunately, I am somewhat impulsive, and these moments of self-depreciation do, in fact, lead to me deleting my work, an action which results in me tearing my hair out in frustration once I have regained my sanity.

My solution to this problem is to create a bounce-book, a remedy for a certain strain of writer’s block. I have always wanted to write a romance (but sadly I tend to add in non-romantic themes, such as BDSM and emotional abuse) and so, I think I shall take this opportunity to do so. I will attempt (not promise, as this is a rather large undertaking I am considering, based on everything else I need to do) to write the standard thousand words a day on The Key, but if I should find myself wanting to eradicate my work, I can switch to the bounce-book to alleviate my distress.

Anyhoo, here is my proposal for a YA romance:

Twyla Landry is beautiful, fifteen, popular, and standing on the precipice of a canyon of possibilities. She is planning her future as a marine biologist, impatiently awaiting her sweet sixteen birthday party, and weighing the virtues and dangers of losing her virginity.

But she is also dying.

Diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia, Twyla is working at correcting the wrongs she has committed in her young life before her time runs out. But coming to terms with her fate is not the worst challenge facing Twyla. With the fortuitous meeting of the debonair and peculiar Griffin Templeton, she must contemplate an entirely new possibility – being allowed to live.

Oh… Kay… So maybe it isn’t quite as easy-going as I had intended for a simple piece of literature, but I look forward to it, nonetheless.

